Sunday, 23 February 2014

Crushing on: colour

When you move into a new place it's tempting to keep everything white. White walls. White Ikea furniture. White blinds or curtains. Sure, there might be a timber dining table or - you crazy thing, you! - a printed cushion, or a fun throw, but the overwhelming impression? 50 shades of white. Which loosely translates to: 50 shades of boring.

I'm trying to bring some life into our small white box of an apartment by considering colour beyond the little accessories. All it takes is one (or if you're feeling brave, two) pieces of furniture - a chair, a stool or a side table, say - in an unexpected colour to really make a space stand out from the average.

Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of

Both these rooms have neutral backdrops, but a pop of colour in pastel blush tones or, for a less girly look, minty green and black, is what makes these pics so pinterest-worthy. They also trick the eye into thinking there's a lot more going on than there actually is. 

Image courtesy of avenue

I don't know about you, but I would never think of putting a watermelon chair and cobalt lounge together in the same little dining spot. But here it works, made possible by high ceilings (sigh), whitewashed floorboards, white walls and a supporting cast of neutral furniture. Oh, and a gleaming Tom Dixon copper pendant lamp as the cherry on top. Who wouldn't want to brunch here?

Image courtesy of Clodagh Tobin.

Pastel-dipped bentwoods. Enough said really.